Thursday, April 15, 2010

Countdown: 8 days

One week and a day to open, ACK! I knew that no matter how much time I had, most of the major prep would wind up happening in a flurry right up until the wee hours before opening day. But I am now seeing the light, or rather the cheese, at the end of the tunnel.

Friends stepped up to the plate to help me seal my ceiling, which was a beast of a job. The old wood that makes up the mezzanine above me is gorgeous, but very dry and it soaked up the sealant like you wouldn't believe. Three more gallons of varnish and two long afternoons later it is looking fabulous though. Also in the past week I've had first round of inspections cleared, permits approved, equipment delivered and ready to install, a beautiful front counter built by my awesome carpenter, two rockstars hired to help me behind the counter, supply list edited, re-edited, and finally submitted, phone lines installed, and first order list-making almost done. It feels soooooo good to be getting so many little things accomplished, and while every day is full and exhausting, I'm feeling prepared and incredibly ready to open next Friday, April 23rd.

See you on the other side of the deli case!

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